O.k. - Die Challenge hat heute angefangen und wir haben die erste Aufgabe schon gestellt bekommen.
Here are the
rules for this challenge:
1) Your layout is about your partner. Introduce your partner to us. How you do this is entirely up to you. You can interview them, you can send them a questionnaire, you can use 5 words that best describe them, you can journal how you met for this race, or if you've been partners for years, you can make your page about a friendship that started with a crazy internet race and has since turned into so much more. The only rule is, the layout is about your partner and you need to tell us something about them.
2) You must include at least one photo of your partner. Large, small, color, b&w, of their face, back of their head, feet, whatever. But it must be a picture of your partner.
3) You must choose one layout from your partner's gallery and scraplift that as the page design for your layout. Only the placement of items is needed. You don't have to lift the colors, theme, etc. Just the overall placement of papers, elements, title and journaling.
Im Groben bedeutet das, dass wir in dieser ersten Aufgabe von unserem Challenge-Partner ein LO erstellen sollen - wir können ihn interviewen, erzählen wie wir uns kennengelernt haben etc.
Auf dem LO muss ein Foto von unserem Partner sein und das LO muss ein geliftetes LO unseres Partners sein.
Ich finde diese erste Aufgabe wirklich sehr interessant, anspruchsvoll und sehr einfallsreich.